Ad relevance

Ad relevance

A keyword status that measures how closely related your keyword is to your ads.
  • This status describes how well your keyword matches the message in your ads. For example, if someone searches for your keyword and your ad shows up, would your ad seem directly relevant to their search?
  • There are three possible statuses you can get: above average, average, or below average.
    • Having an "average" or "above average" status means that there are no major problems with this keyword's ad relevance when compared to all other keywords across AdWords.
    • A "below average" status means that your ad or keyword may not be specific enough or that your ad group may cover too many topics. Try creating tightly-themed ad groups by making sure that your ads are closely related to a smaller group of keywords.
  • Use this status to help identify keywords that might not be relevant enough to your ads to perform well.
  • It's possible for a keyword to have a high Quality Score and low ad relevance (or vice versa) because AdWords looks at a number of different quality factors when determining Quality Score. Even if your overall Quality Score is high, looking at the individual factors can help you identify potential areas for improvement.
  • To see the ad relevance status for your keywords, go to the Keywords tab on your Campaigns page and hover over the speech bubble icon next that's next to a keyword.
  • Paused keywords will retain whatever scores they had when they were last active. Therefore, it may not be useful to look at these scores over time. We encourage advertisers to focus on active keywords when looking at their Quality Score sub-metrics, since these scores will be constantly updated.


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