Actual cost-per-click (CPC)
How this works
We combine your Quality Score, the max. CPC bid, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats to determine Ad Rank. When estimating the expected impact of extensions and ad formats, we consider such factors as the relevance, clickthrough rates, and the prominence of the extensions or formats on the search results page. Each advertiser’s Ad Rank is then used to determine where the ad appears and what types of extensions and other ad formats will show with the ad (or whether the ad or ad format will appear at all).For ads on the Search Network, the minimum Ad Rank required for ads above search results is generally greater than the minimum Ad Rank required for ads beside search results. As a result, the actual CPC when you appear above search results could be higher than the actual CPC if you appear beside search results, even if no other advertisers are immediately below you. Although you may pay more per click, top ads usually have higher clickthrough rates and may allow you to show certain ad extensions and other features available only in top ad positions. As always, you’re never charged more than your max. CPC. bid.
For certain ads on the Display Network, your actual CPC will be different than described
- If the advertiser immediately below you bids US$2.00, and if that advertiser's ad is the same quality as yours (and has equal-performing extensions and ad formats), you'd typically need to bid a penny more than US$2.00 to rank higher than that advertiser and still maintain your position and ad formats. With AdWords, that's the most you'll pay (about US$2.01), whether your bid is US$3.00, US$5.00, or more.
- If the advertiser immediately below you bids US$2.00 and has a higher quality ad than you, you'll pay about a penny more than what's required to match that advertiser's higher Ad Rank (and still maintain your position and ad formats), but never more than your max. CPC bid
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