Internet Marketing Strategy

An Internet Marketing Strategy has many parts:

  • Blog site-Business Blogging
As the power of search visibility as a brand builder gains popularity blog sites are taking center stage. Blogging is one of the fastest ways to build your visibility and your audience online.

  • Website Optimization
The purpose of an internet marketing strategy is to drive traffic to your website. If the site is not optimized it will never be found and it will not convert your visitors into customers.

  • Keyword Research & Optimized Content
A good website starts with keyword research. when you know what your online audience is searching for you can optimize your site correctly.

  • Online Newsletters
Research shows that it takes on average 7 visits to a Site before they do business with you. An online newsletter allows you to start a conversation with them and build a relationship.

  • E-Postcards
Rich media-sound, images and animation - increase retention of your name and your mesage by 60%. E postcards are a vibrant and interesting way to send your message.

  • Social Media
Social media consists of websites where people create and share content.
Sites like myspace, Facebook, and Flickr all encourage their users to generate their own content and then share it. it's the ultimate word of mouth.

  • Optimized Online Press Releases
Yahoo! News and Google News now have a bigger audience then CNN or the BBC. The internet is the number one choice for news in the 18-65 year old group. If your press releases are not optimized and seen in the news engines you're missing your best audience.

  • Web Metrics & Analytics
Monitoring and adjusting your Internet marketing strategy means you have to know exactly who is coming to your site and what is working. Analyzing the log files will tell you what actions to take next.

  • Online Media Room
With your Internet strategy in place journalist will come to find information on your industry. Their needs are completely different from your average visitor. An Online media room is vital if you want press coverage.

  • RSS Feeds & Content Syndication
RSS feeds increase the reach of your content. RSS feeds are also a new way to alert journalist to your news

Explore strategies and techniques that you can use on the Internet that will enhance and support your business's overall marketing objectives. Learn how to conduct banner promotions, generate targeted online traffic, positioning your content, and over all brand awareness.


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