Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool

Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool

A tool in your account that helps identify why your ad might not be appearing. The tool also shows a preview of a Google search result page for a specific term, helping you see which ads are appearing for your keyword.
  • Use this tool to check the status of your ad for a particular keyword. Once you enter a search term and other criteria like your language and location, the tool will tell you whether your ad is eligible to appear in that situation.
  • If you want to see how your ad appears in context, it's better to use this tool than to do a search on Google. You'll see the exact same results as a Google search but won't harm your performance by accumulating ad impressions every time you look for your ad.
  • To use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool, click the tool under the "Tools and Analysis" menu at the top of your AdWords account, or visit


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