80 SEO tools

I’m going to share a list of 79 SEO Tools I keep just above my desk. There are so many different ways to find different types of information about different types of SEO elements, for so many different types of sites… you get the point. I don’t know about you, but there’s no way in hell I can remember them all on a good day, never mind when I need them most.

So here’s the list I keep pinned to the board over my desk. Note that some of the super obvious ones, like Google Analytics or Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) are not listed. I can remember those ones, and I trust you can too.

Keyword Research: Get inside the heads of you prospects to deliver what they need when they need it.

Term Explore: http://termexplorer.com/Public/
Trellian’s Keyword Discovery – http://www.keyworddiscovery.com
Market Samurai – http://www.marketsamurai.com/
Long Tail Pro – http://www.longtailpro.com/
nTopic – http://www.ntopic.org/
Live Keyword Analysis – http://www.live-keyword-analysis.com/
Google Adwords – http://www.google.com/adwords/
Google Keyword  Planner – https://adwords.google.com/ko/KeywordPlanner
Google Correlate – http://www.google.com/trends/correlate
Google Trends  – http://www.google.com/trends/
Bing Keyword Research – http://www.bing.com/toolbox/keywords
Hit Tail – http://www.hittail.com/KeywordSpy – http://www.keywordspy.com/
Ubersuggest – http://ubersuggest.org/WordTracker – http://wordtracker.com/Search Latte- http://searchlatte.com/Youtube Keyword tool – https://www.youtube.com/keyword_tool
Colibri IO- https://colibri.io/
Kgen – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/kgen/
Soovle – http://www.soovle.com/Wordstream – http://www.wordstream.com/free-keyword-tools
Keyword Eye – http://www.keywordeye.com/

Keyword Ranking: Google rankings aren’t the end all be all, but still good to know.

RavenTools (Pro): http://raventools.com/STAT Search Analytics  – http://getstat.com/
Clicky – http://clicky.com/207602
Free Keyword Rank Checker – https://serps.com/tools/rank_checker
SEscout – http://sescout.com/
Serpfox – http://serpfox.com/
Keyword Density Tool – http://www.zippy.co.uk/keyworddensity
SpyFu – http://www.spyfu.com/
Rage Software’s SERank – http://www.ragesw.com/products/search-engine-rank.html
WebPosition Reporter – http://www.webposition.com/products/reporter/default.htm
Piwik – http://piwik.org/
Authority  Labs – http://authoritylabs.com/
Bright Edge – http://www.brightedge.com/
Upcity – http://upcity.com/
Panguin Tool 2.0 – http://www.barracuda-digital.co.uk/panguin-tool/
Youtube Analytics – https://www.youtube.com/analytics
Microsites Masters – http://www.micrositemasters.com/
SEO Rank Monitor – http://www.seorankmonitor.com/

Competitive Analysis: Knowledge is power. Keep your friends close and your competitors closer. And another cliche I can’t think of right now.

Analytics SEO  – http://www.analyticsseo.com
Twitter Counter – http://twittercounter.com
Rival IQ  – https://www.rivaliq.com
SEMRush – http://www.semrush.com/Social Crawlytics – https://socialcrawlytics.com/
Traffic Travis – http://www.traffictravis.com/
SERPmetrics – http://serpmetrics.com/flux
Axandra SEO Tools – http://www.axandra.com/seo/free-seo-tool
Positionly – https://positionly.com/Builtwith – http://builtwith.com/
Alexa – http://alexa.com/
Similarweb – http://www.similarweb.com/

Link Building: Although I don’t believe in link building as an SEO strategy, these are still useful to some.

DropMyLink – http://dropmylink.com/Domain Hunter Plus – http://domainhunterplus.com/
Link Prospector – http://linkprospector.citationlabs.com/
Advance Link Manager – http://www.advancedlinkmanager.com/Advance Web Ranking – http://www.advancedwebranking.com/
Rank Tracker – http://www.link-assistant.com/rank-tracker/
Buzzstream – http://www.buzzstream.com/
Ontolo – http://ontolo.com/
Link Nabber – http://www.linknabber.com/
Triberr – http://triberr.com/
Blekko – https://blekko.com/
Shared Count – http://www.sharedcount.com/

Link Research: Find out who’s linking to your pages. Keep your site Penguin proofed.

Linktrackr – http://ww3.linktrackr.com/Outreach  – http://outreachr.com/Link Detective – http://linkdetective.com/Fresh Link Finder – http://freshlinkfinder.com/
Netcomber – http://netcomber.com/Inspyder – http://www.inspyder.com/SEnukeXCr – http://www.senuke.com/xcr/
Remove’em – http://www.removeem.com/ratios.php
SimilarSites – http://www.similarsites.com/
Monitor Backlinks – https://monitorbacklinks.com/seo-tools/free-backlink-checker
Cognitive SEO – http://cognitiveseo.com/Scraper –https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd?hl=en

And some other good stuff:

Bruce Clay’s SEO Cloaking Checker: http://www.seotools.com/seo-cloaking-checker/ScreamingFrog: www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/
XML Sitemap Generator & Validator: https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/validate-xml-sitemap.html

Now tell me, which ones do you use most? I try to keep things updated as regularly as I can, but if you see any you think I should add to the list, or that should be updated or removed, please let me (and everyone here) know! Thanks


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