Stealth Link Building – Part 3

Right, this part of the post is going to be a bit shorter than usual but the tip you’re getting is priceless.

What’s the main two things that we want when link building?

Relevance & Link Popularity

Right, stay with me. Where’s the best place to find pages that are relevant to our sites that we KNOW have a high link popularity? Social Networks.

For example, visit Digg & fire in a search for what you want (given that the Digg Search engine isn’t all that good you should still see plenty of popular stories) then sort them by the most diggs.

Now you’ve got a page filled with stories that have been made popular based on the topic you’re looking for & chances are they’ll all have hundreds (if not thousands) of inbound links to that particular page alone. Making them very very juicy.

I used to use these pages to get links into deeper pages of my affiliate sites, but since the new comments system was introduced the lower ranking comments are hidden by AJAX (which the spiders can’t trigger).

So instead we have to go after the stories themselves. We’re merely looking for a link within the body text of the story. This is simple, if you follow the steps in my previous stealth linking post. These links pass heaps of weight & authority. They’re also almost impossible to detect.


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