Stealth Link Building – Part 3

Right, this part of the post is going to be a bit shorter than usual but the tip you’re getting is priceless.

What’s the main two things that we want when link building?

Relevance & Link Popularity

Right, stay with me. Where’s the best place to find pages that are relevant to our sites that we KNOW have a high link popularity? Social Networks.

For example, visit Digg & fire in a search for what you want (given that the Digg Search engine isn’t all that good you should still see plenty of popular stories) then sort them by the most diggs.

Now you’ve got a page filled with stories that have been made popular based on the topic you’re looking for & chances are they’ll all have hundreds (if not thousands) of inbound links to that particular page alone. Making them very very juicy.

I used to use these pages to get links into deeper pages of my affiliate sites, but since the new comments system was introduced the lower ranking comments are hidden by AJAX (which the spiders can’t trigger).

So instead we have to go after the stories themselves. We’re merely looking for a link within the body text of the story. This is simple, if you follow the steps in my previous stealth linking post. These links pass heaps of weight & authority. They’re also almost impossible to detect.

Stealth Link Building – Part 2

First of all apologies for the lack of updates recently. I’ve just moved house & I’ve been without net access (we all know how long & arduous it is transferring utilities from one house to another). I’ve got some good posts in the works though so don’t go anywhere

Stealth Link Building – Part 2

In my previous post on Stealth Link Building I talked about why building links “under the radar” is good. I also talked about some ways to find relavant sites to get in contact with (Another great tool for this is Comment Hut), or simply use the SEO For Firefox tool to analyse the backlinks of your main competitiors (In Yahoo). After all, if they’re linking to them, they’re more likely to link to you….right?

Now that you’ve hand picked around 50-100 sites that you’re effectively going to target, you need to formulate some ideas to get a link on their site exactly where you want it. This is somewhat easier than it sounds, here’s a few methods:

The Recommendation Method

This is the stealthiest method of the lot. Here, we’re trying to appear to be a 3rd Party recommending your own website to an unsuspecting webmaster. Julian over at Dfinitive used this technique well to help a recent client get to #1 in Google for a particular set of keywords.

Here’s a sample of the email sent to the “targets”:


I hope you are well.

I stumbled upon your site today and would like to say that I found the link section very helpful.

I do have a suggestion for your link section. Aerobed probably make the best inflatable beds around. I brought one recently and can’t believe how good they are. Airbeds are so much better than used to be, plus it inflates in about 2 mins, with no blowing.

The site is check it out.

Thank you for your time,

Your Name.

I’d recommend using this email as a brief template for your own, however make sure to make the website sound as appealing as possible.

Naturally you also don’t want to be sending the email from an address that is linked to the domain or using an username that is linked to the name of the domain either. I recommend using a Gmail Email address to send these queries, this makes it look more natural.

It’s possible to get a decent strikerate with this technique, after all it’s a pure numbers game so don’t hold back.

The Quiet Exchange Method

This particular method is a little more tactful. Use it when you think the webmaster will need a little more “persuasion” to link to you.

We all know that unless you have something good to offer, chances are if the webmaster is in any way savvy they’ll not even bother looking through your email properly. This is why you have to be able to offer them something in exchange for your link.

The best way to initiate this is to go for the 3 way link. I.e. You link to me & I’ll link to you from one of my 3rd Party Websites. Problem with this is that the 3rd Party Website is always going to be of lower quality to your main site. In many of my niches I keep a number of quality 3rd party linking sites (or directories) that have strong authority in the search engines. Older domains are usually perfect for this so check out my previous article on Aged Domains. Being able to offer a free directory listing for a link usually works best in these instances.

I’ve seen a LOT of popular dating websites use this method very effectively. It won’t work on me though, why? Check out an example of what one of the Third Party Domain links pages look like:

I’d rather not have my link on a page like this. I always check for two things:

Is the page Indexed?

How many Backlinks does the page have? (Including Ratio of Outgoing Links to Incoming)

If you’re not happy with your link being on a page like the above then CHOOSE the page you’d like before you initiate the request. Make sure to say you feel like this is the “most relevant page.” Whilst you really mean, this is the page with the most backlinks. Muhahaha.

Pay Your Way

Can’t get the link on the page you WANT? Usually a little monetary persuasion goes along way. Offer a price for the link (make sure it’s permanent) & you’re much more likely to get what you want. After all, you could spend $70/month for a link on somewhere like Textlinkads or perhaps with a little digging yourself could net 7 HIGHLY RELEVANT permanent links for $10 each.

Things to avoid:

The key is stealth, try to avoid getting links in sections labelled:

Sponsored Links



Paid Advertising



If you’re paying for the link specify where you want it. In the content as a “normal link” is by far the most effective & undetectable method.

Stay tuned for Part 3

Stealth Link Building – Part 1

When working with a website quite frankly nothing works better & is more stable than some good old fashioned link building with that personal touch. But now that Search Engines are becoming smarter at “discounting obvious links” we need to make sure that are links are getting the most value whilst still being undetectable.

Why is Stealth Link Building good?

Well firstly you can choose which pages your link will appear on

You can choose the anchor text

You can make an informed decision about how much link weight or authority the site will pass

The links are less noticable & less likely to be discounted

The days of getting links on “link pages” are falling behind us, appearing natural in the eyes of the search engines is the way forward. Besides, why would you want a link on a “link page” that has no incoming authority or backlinks when you could find the page within a website with the highest authority or most relevance to your website & drop the webmaster an email?

How can I practice Stealth Link Building?

The process of obtaining solid links that will really count for something isn’t something that will happen overnight. It will take time, effort & dedication. But, with most things you’ll get better & better at it as time goes on.

First of all you need to create a shortlist of websites within your niche that you’d like a link from. I personally don’t go after the sites that are too SEO’d, but rather aim for a website that has a more natural feel to it (from an SEO standpoint). Check to see which sites already rank well for the terms you want to target & add them to the shortlist.

Once you’ve got a list of about 50 websites, you’ve now got to see which pages on the site are most relevant to your website or the anchor text you want to use. You can check this out using a simple Google query: “anchor text”

This will bring up any pages within the website that contain your anchor text.

Secondly you want to see which pages within the site are regarded as “authority pages.” You can check this in 3 different ways:

Using the SEO for Firefox tool to check how many page links, .edu links & .gov links a page has.

Use the Webuildpages Strongest Subpage Tool to find authority pages on a website. This can sometimes be innaccurate though for example if you query you’ll notice a lot of spam backlinks which have been banned in Google but still appear in Yahoo.

The final way is by using a tool by Fromshawn, it’s an Authority Site Finder Tool. Best of all it’s free.

Stay tuned for more on  Link Building tactics

Recropical Link Cloaking – What you Need to Know

We all get link requests, most of them are automated garbage & some are legitimate. Some are also too good to be true.

If it’s the latter then I advise you to look a bit closer at what is being offered as recently I came across a interesting Recropical Link Cloaking tactic.

Don’t think this is a new tactic either, this has been going on for a very very long time.

Setting the Scene

You get an email similar to this one:


As I was surfing around Google , I discovered your website: I am trying to add as many informative websites as possible to my site. Which in turn will benefit my users as well as provide you with relevant traffic to your site. I have a website with about 5,000 – 7,000 people on it per day who fit the same demographic as your site.

If you follow this link, you will see that I put your link on my homepage.

Some website owners do not like when other sites link to them so I thought I might ask for your review.

Please get back to me when you have a chance, to let me know if the link I have placed suits your needs.

Also if you would like a custom Title for it just send me a email and I will get it updated.

Have a good week

Visiting the site in question you’ll notice a few things:

Decent number of Backlinks

Minimal Outgoing Links

Decent Pagerank (3 – 5)

Quite possibly the perfect link exchange? Unfortunately not. Look a bit closer.

The Detail

If you look at the email the URL should have a referral string on it (Something like ?ref= or ?pg=). This either sets a cookie when you click on it or logs your IP (or both) which makes your site “appear in the sidebar”.

Thus very cleverly making you think that the website offering the link exchange does indeed link to you.

There’s a few things you can do here to check:

1.Run the referral link through a HTTP Header Checker to see if it sets a Cookie

2.Look at your Yahoo inbound links, does the site in question appear? (it may be too soon but worth looking)

3.Look at the site through a proxy & remove the ?pg or ?ref from the end of the string (Incase they use IP Tracking & not cookies)

4.Clear your cookies & try the site again without the referral path on the end

Very Sneaky

This unfortunately is a very cunning & sneaky tactic to harvest thousands upon thousands of Recropical links. I would imagine that the strike rate doing this is much much higher than just blasting out link requests to everyone in sight.

Be Careful

If you’re contracting an SEO company & they’re using this tactic I’d be very very careful. I’ve seen a number of players that have been branded as unethical by their whole online community for using such tactics

50+ Social News Websites: Notes about this list

;50+ Social News Websites: Notes about this list

I spent some time going through hundreds of social news sites and came up with a list of sites which I think are worth exploring. Each site on this list is evaluated according to various criteria, including the no. of votes for each story and the frequency/date of submissions, all of which are indicators of user/viewer activity.

This list is not meant to be comprehensive. It doesn’t include every social news website out there but only the ones which I think has potential for providing you with relevant/fresh news while giving exposure to your ideas, brand or website.
Some of the sites on this list have a broad topical focus while others are created to cater to a specific niche. I’ve divided the list into two portions: General Social News or websites which cover a wide variety of news and Niche Social News which refers to specialized sites that only focus on a limited range of niche topics.
This list purely consists of English social news sites. There are no social bookmarking or social network sites included. I’ve not included video sharing sites because I’ll be writing more on them and video marketing in a future article.
Here’s a brief definition of social news sites, in case you’re unfamiliar with them:
Social News websites are communities which allow its users to submit news stories, articles and media (videos/pictures) and share them with other users or the general public. Some of these articles will be given more visibility, depending on various factors such as the number of user votes for each item.
Apart from counting registered user votes, some social news websites employ human editors to determine the visibility of each news item. Certain stories will be removed from the website while others may be given a ‘featured‘ position if the story is highly relevant and news worthy.
General Social News Websites
1. Reddit: Popular social news website with a large user base. Covers a wide range of news. Includes several topical sections called subreddits, which focus on specific topics like programming, science, politics and business.
2. Digg: The largest and most popular social news website on the internet. Covers all topics including politics, entertainment, technology and general news. Includes a separate video and image section.
3. Propeller: A social news site that covers all topics from technology to politics and entertainment. Operates in a similar fashion to Digg.
4. Fark: A community news site which allows users to comment on news articles. User submitted links will be posted on the main page once they are approved by the administrators.
5. Slashdot: Primarily a tech news site, Slashdot also covers topics like books, games, politics and entertainment. Users can submit stories and they may be published after editors approve it. A popular site that can send a large amount of traffic.
6. Metafilter: A community weblog which allows users to share links and discuss interesting websites/topics. Moderation is done through editors as well as peer pressure in order to prevent gaming.
7. I am bored: Covers general topics with a strong focus on weird and offbeat news. You can submit a link which may be posted after the editors approve it.
I am bored
8. Mixx: A general social news sites which has a category for all types of news. Topics covered include business, entertainment, sports, health and tech. Includes the ability to create groups to share news with other users.
9. Shoutwire: General news site that is well populated with a loyal group of users. Topics covered include technology, politics, entertainment, lifestyle and sports.
10. Newsvine: A website consisting of community-driven news stories and opinions. Users have their own blogs and can write articles, save links to external content and vote/comment on other user stories.
11. IndianPad: A general social news site that with a large indian userbase. Topics covered include entertainment, sports, videos and tamil news.
12. Linkfilter: Covers all sorts of news. All links are posted and moderated by users. Links can be ranked on several levels: clicks, votes, age, or a combination of all three called points.
13. NewsCloud: A general social site with a focus on news in all topics. Similar to Newsvine, each user has their own blogs and can publish content to be voted up by other users.
14. Hugg: Hugg is a social news site with a strong focus on environmental issues. Also includes other categories like politics, science, fashion and technology.
15. Plime: A general news site which features a wide variety of topics ranging from religion and sports to technology or business. Odd news performs best in this community.
16. C2NN: An active social news site with a variety of topics including environment issues, business, politics, animals and offbeat. Similar to Hugg in focus but much more populated and active.
17. Kirsty: A general news site with a focus on fashion, entertainment and design on top of other topics like technology and food. Has a strong female user base.

18. Nowpublic: A participatory news network which focuses on citizen journalism. Each user has their own individual profile blog/page and can upload videos, images and news stories.
19. Stirrdup: General social news site with four broad categories: politics, technology, news and entertainment.
20. Searchles: A hybrid social news sites which covers all topics. Includes a video section and offers personalized filtering features and the option of joining groups made up of other users with similar interests.
21. Linkinn: A social news site that specializes in pictures and video. Covers a broad range of topics, particular offbeat and weird content.
22. Earthfrisk: Covers topics like humor, politics, entertainment and business. Combines a social network and group features with digg-style news voting.
earth frisk
23. Truemors: A social rumor news site which focuses on the publication of “true rumors that are relevant, informative, and interesting.” Users can post links anonymously via text, voicemail, web or email. Editors moderate content.
24. StumbleUpon: A social network and browser toolbar which allows users to channel surf the internet. Technically not 100% a social news site, although users can submit webpages to be rated by other users. Here is a guide to StumbleUpon.
stumbleupon screenshot
25. Linkswarm: Covers a wide range of topics from celebrity gossip to funny media, science and politics. Focuses on pop culture and bizarre news as well.

Niche Social News Websites

Here are social websites which focus on a specific niche. For best results, only submit to them when your site falls within the same niche or covers the same topics. Or else you’re likely to be marked as spam.
26. Sphinn: Sphinn is a social site for search and interactive marketers. It’s designed to allow you to share and discover news stories, read and take part in discussions, discover events of interest and network with others.
27. Dzone: DZone is a free link-sharing community for developers. Other topics commonly featured include web design and programming.
28. Tweako: A user-powered site and social network with a focus on guides and tutorials in all categories like computing, technology, and the Internet.
29. Autospies: A social site that focuses on automotive news, car reviews, auto show photos and videos.
30. Design Float: A social news site for design-related content. Topics covered include business, freelancing, advertising, digital art and branding.
design float
31. Ball Hype: A site that aggregates content from thousands of sports blogs. Users can submit stories and votes will determine if they make it to home page.
ball hype
32. YCombinator Hacker News: A news site that focuses on technology, startups, business and entrepreneurship.
hacker news
33. SWiK: A community driven resource for people who use open source software.
34. Buzzflash: A user driven progressive political news website that allows you to submit political stories.
35. DNHour: is a user-powered news portal built specially for the domain name industry. Most members are generally from the domain name industry, which includes domain name owners, companies or professionals.
36. PlugIM: PlugIM is a user driven internet marketing community. Topics covered include search engine optimization, products, business and marketing.
37.Showhype: Operates in a similar way to Ballhype. Stories come from two sources — users and aggregated content. Users can also submit a link to a story that they’ve found or write their own article on ShowHype.
38. Small Business Brief: A niche social site which focuses on small business news. Topics covered include marketing and sales, website development, management and entrepreneurship.
small business brief
39. Hypediss: Social news site with a focus on design, fashion, urban culture and art.
40. Chictini: Product-oriented social site which a focus on new trends and styles. It’s possible to submit news stories although most of the submissions feature products from online retailers.
41. DotNetKicks: is a community based news site that focuses on topics like NET development techniques, technologies and tools including ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, C++ and Visual Studio.
42. Lipstick: Reddit-style social news site for celebrity gossip.
43. Hubspot: Social news site for marketers, entrepreneurs and business professionals.
44. Winelifetoday: A niche social site for wine lovers. Topics covered included news and opinion articles to do with wine.
wine life today
45. Allows users to publish and share products with the broader public which they find cool, innovative, exceptionally beautiful, or just weird. Included with every item is a link to an online shop where it can be purchased.
46. Wordsy: A niche social news site for people who love reading and books. Topics covered include small presses, fiction writing, authors, book awards and poetry. (Note: Wordsy has suspended its site since Dec 2008)
47. Value Investing News: A niche social news site that covers stocks and investment news. A small but active community.
value investing news
48. Teenwag: Focus on celebrity gossip. A hybrid social network with digg-style voting. Users can submit links to be voted up by other users.
49. Muti: Muti is a social bookmarking site inspired by reddit and Digg but dedicated to content of interest to Africans or those interested in Africa.
50. Tip’d: A social media site for finance, investing, and business topics. Tip’d users vote on stories they like by clicking the ‘Tip it’ button that appears next to each story, and then can comment by pressing the ‘Discuss’ link below the story.
This list is a work in progress. I’ll be updating it with new sites over time and I plan to include my own opinions of each site when I have the time. Right now, I’ve only written a very brief description of each site along with their niche focus. Know any quality site that should be included?
Pick the sites on this list which are relevant to your website or interests. If you haven’t already, register as a new member and click around the site to check out its features/stories. Submit a few stories and introduce it to some friends. If you enjoy the community, start using the site more frequently.
Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference. In the next article on social media marketing, I’ll talk about how you can participate in these social news sites.